

Woodland landscape setting by LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所

While it’s true that petals have power, area landscape architects are also cultivating woodland and contemporary gardens that are devoid (or nearly devoid) of flowers. 而不是, these high-end Boston and 角 Cod landscape professionals are using contrasting swaths of green, playing with the height and sway of natural grasses and shrubs, 用石头做声明.   


Contemporary landscape design by Boston landscape professionals 一片草In this buoyant Weston backyard, landscape professionals 一片草 achieved a beautiful, balanced aesthetic well suited to a striking, contemporary home. The terrain, with its applications of lush flora, is a study in scale and proportion. 更多修剪整齐的植物, like boxwood and dwarf birch trees that line a simple stone path, peacefully coexist with breezy ornamental grasses that serve to both amplify and soften the beds and patio spaces. 

Ornamental grasses in a contemporary garden by 一片草The grounds are a harmonious synthesis of texture and tone, with a spacious emerald lawn area at its core that slowly transitions to the mature trees of its woodland perimeter.


Contemporary pool terrace and garden by 萨德伯里设计集团

The contemporary landscape conceived by 萨德伯里设计集团 for a seven-acre parcel in Andover was inspired by journeys to California and Australia. Though the terrace is also blessed with a recessed fire pit, 60英尺的游泳池, embedded within a woodland setting of ornamental grasses and bamboo, serves as a serene and stunning focal point. 

Contemporary pool terrace and garden by 萨德伯里设计集团

The design is equal parts restraint and abandon, with modern materials like Stainless Steel fountains blending seamlessly with the exposed ledge outcropping and natural forest.

Amy Martin景观设计

Scandinavian Farm House Garden by Amy Martin景观设计

斯堪的纳维亚农舍花园 Amy Martin景观设计 takes its cue from the clean lines of the residence’s architecture and continues the thought outdoors. 在家里, the design is more linear and controlled, but as you move toward the woodland the terrain is deliberately more naturalistic and rugged. 

Scandinavian Farm House Garden by Amy Martin景观设计


就连石头也反映了这一点. 在整洁的花岗岩露台上, a stone wall doubles as bench seating, while over by the woodland Martin uses a boulder bench with a rough cut. 花园里长满了黄杨, 桦树和蕨类植物, and bulbs of the purple allium are the palette’s sole deviation. Martin even controlled the shades of green used, opting for gorgeous grass greens over tones with blue notes. “The garden has a modern aesthetic, without being harsh,” says Martin. “这是低调, soothing and low-maintenance;” an oasis of calm for homeowners with high-powered jobs.

Kimberly Mercurio 景观 Architecture

Contemporary Stone Garden by Kimberly Mercurio 景观 Architecture

20岁时thcentury urban home in Cambridge received a new room in the back of the house, it meant a new landscape design was in order. 金伯利·麦丘里奥校长 Kimberly Mercurio 景观 Architecture was tasked with reusing the existing elements as well as incorporating a new minimalist design aesthetic in what would become a “Garden for Stones.”

This contemplative eden wouldn’t be a typical patio and would rely heavily on stone. Mercurio repurposed bluestone within the hardscape to create a walkway brimming with thyme at its joints, and crafted a gravel terrace with sculptural sitting stones (selected from a farmer’s field) as a gathering space. 

Contemporary Cambridge Stone Garden by Kimberly Mercurio 景观 Architecture

The landscape architect took a sustainable and low-maintenance approach, 将本机, drought-resistant plants and ground cover that benefit pollinators and provide year-round interest. Clipped yew hedges create a verdant backdrop to both the plantings and the stone, 给这禅宗的地形以秩序.

主图:林地景观由 LeBlanc Jones景观设计事务所
